Software / Web Developer

Currently Based in Portland, OR.

Don't be shy. Send me an email.

Who Am I?

I'm A Software Developer From Portland, Currently Residing In San Diego With Experience In...

  • Javascript
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • React
  • Rails
  • Django

... and more. I think javascript is a great language, and I'm constantly wow'd by the amount of technology people have created and built using it. That being said, I don't believe that everything needs / should be created using javascript. Always pick the right tool for the job!

I'm Passionate About...

  • Coding
  • eCommerce
  • Entrepeneurship
  • Music
  • Art
  • Learning

I believe that it's important to have a well balanced lifestyle. Working as a software developer means that I spend a lot of time staring at a computer, thinking quietly to myself.

Because of this, I actively try to seek out opportunity to connect with other people. Music, Art, and continual learning are some of the outlets I've found to help with that.

In My Free Time...

You can find me surfing, hiking, camping, playing guitar, playing video games, reading, listening to podcasts and music.

Life is short, so I like to try new things. Maybe this comes from the ever looming existential dread?

“Don’t be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.”- Malcolm X

Currently Vibing To...

The Slow Rush

Tame Impala


Orson Scott Card